Squad Transitions
As we bring in our new Squad Structure, we are also introducing clear criteria to be achieved in order to be considered to be moved between squads. Typically there are 5 criteria, any 3 of which need to be met. This gives the leeway to still progress while a swimmer continues to work on 1 weakness. For example a certain time cycle for a kick set is required, however if you are a weak kicker you can still achieve other criteria and be considered for moving up a squad.
Progression Criteria

6x100 Fs on 2:00mins
6x75 Medco on 1:35 (Fly/Bk/Brst, Bk/Brst/Fs)
8x50 Kick on 1:20
100 Kick TT
400 Fs TT
-> Silver​​

8x100 Fs on 1:45
8x100 IM on 2:00
10x50 Kick on 1:15
200 Kick TT
800 Fs TT
-> Gold

10x100 Fs on 1:30
8x100 IM on 1:45
8x100 Kick on 2:00
400 Kick TT
1200 Fs TT
-> State

5x200 Fs on 3:00
6x150 IM on 2:20 (25/50)
4x200 Kick on 4:00
600 Kick TT
1500 Fs TT
-> National

Aiming for National Qualifying Times

Aiming to achieve at a High Level
eg National Finals or Medals
If you wish to discuss your swimmers progress further, please reach out to our Head Coach