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Am I Learn to Swim, or a Club Swimmer?"Once you pass Stage 8 you can consider Club Swimming. Learn to Swim has a focus on water safety, and introduces the other competitive strokes. Club swimming takes swimming to the next level with a focus on technique and fitness. Club swimming also introduces the social side of swimming, making new friends, attending club meets and competitions, other social events such as Beach Swims and movie nights, and other sporting events the club may enter teams in, such as a team Triathlon event. Within our Learn to swim program we offer a "Squad Transition" class for swimmers who have passed Stage 8 to learn about the different aspects of squad.
How do I get started?First step is to look at booking in for a free trial. You can book a trial by registering an account at Add your swimmers - ensuring you include their Date of Birth. Enroll into a new Class and look for ** Squad Trial **
What will it cost?Depends on what swimming you choose: Learn to Swim Lessons start at $17/lesson and run for a school term typically of 9 or 10 weeks. Payment is made at the start of the term when booking your class. With our new system we will email at end of term to see if you want to auto-enroll in to the next term. Existing students will have priority. Club Swimming Requires a membership with the club starting at $110 (23/24 season). Various training plans are offered, with the per session price lowering the more you swim. Adult Swimming Requires membership with either the Swimming WA, or Masters Swimming. GK has a club linked to both associations. For training we have various plans on offer based on how frequently you wish to train.
I'm an adult swimmer, but not sure if I am up for Masters swimming?"Our learn to swim program also caters for adult lessons after the kids have finished. If you are interested in learning reach out to us and we can see what we can organise. Our Masters program caters for most levels from very basic ability and up.
Why do I need to book ?Pre booking and paying for your swimmers session guarantees their spot in the squad, and also assists the club with rostering of coaches, and also financially. If you have booked and need to change session you can do this in Udio under "Change Day and time"
How do I book a squad session on the website?Create a profile and login to : We do have some 5-swim passes available, but the easiest and cheapest option is the perpetual plans. These are either fortnightly for once a week, or monthly for unlimited swims. Click on Enroll into a new Class and follow the prompts.
What training plans are available?For our Bronze / Silver / Gold squads we offer a 5-Swim casual pass, once a week fortnightly (option for twice a week in Gold), or monthly unlimited. If your swimmer is swimming two or more times a week the Monthly Unlimited plan is the best one to opt for. Once your swimmer reaches State level or above we only offer Monthly passes. Teen Fit and Adult Fit have more casual plans.
How can I check what I have booked?You can access your current bookings via the Udio website : Bookings will display on the homescreen, or you can click Bookings at the top of the page.
What if I cant attend after I have booked and paid for a session?In the bookings section in Udio you can click "Unable to Attend" If you are on a limited plan (Not Monthly) you will be issued up to 2 Makeup Vouchers per month you can use to rebook a different session. Alternatively you can click Change Day & Time and move your booking.
When does my Pricing Plan expire?Our perpetual plans renew the 1st of each month for monthly plans, or on Mondays for fortnightly plans. Please complete a training credit form if you would like to stop swimming, or take a break :
What do I do when going on holidays?If you are taking holidays or need a break from swimming, please let us know in advance here : We can either stop your plan from renewing at the end of the month, or apply a credit to your account which will come off your next renewal. You must tell us in advance and complete the online form which will be included with our accounts for our auditors.
When should I buy a new Pricing Plan?If you have a perpetual plan the only time you need to change is when you stop swimming, or move up a squad level. The perpetual plans will auto-renew and book you in to your preferred sessions automatically.
I want to start training next week, should I buy a pricing plan now?"If you are a new swimmer with the club please reach out to us before purchasing. After a trial and being placed in to a squad we can apply a credit for any unused period in the month (eg starting half way through the month) prior to you making your first purchase.
We are doing our first HBF meet - what should we know?Parking is free - but for very big meets you may end up parking on the grass and walking. Entry fee - Both Swimmers and Spectators are charged a door-entry fee. Programs are normally for sale, or you can install MeetMobile on your phone for most meets. There is a cafe with food and coffee, however it typically will close between 2pm-3pm. GK normally sits roughly in the middle of the pool towards the top of the grandstand enter via Doors 4 or 5. Spectators sit in the grandstand and are not permitted on pooldeck except for timekeeping. Take a pen for writing events on your swimmers arm - makes it easier for them to remember. Highlighter is handy for marking your swimmers, and other club swimmers, in the program to watch. A cushion to sit on, and a chiller bag for food is recommended. You will most likely be required to do some timekeeping.
What does my swimmer need to know about their first HBF Meet?When you arrive familiarise yourself with where the toilets are, where the swimmers are sitting, where the coaches are, and where marshalling is. Report to your coach on arrival for any warm-up instructions. (coaches will only be in attendance at targetted meets) There is a marshalling board under the scoreboard which shows what event is being marshalled to. It is handy to write your swimmers event numbers on their arms to make it easier to remember. When your event number comes up you need to get to marshalling almost immediately. On the way you can stop with your coach for pre-race instructions, and then report to the marshalling table at the start end of the pool opposite the grandstand. If you aren't sure it is recommended to grab one of our other swimmers to go with you the first time. Taking another swimmer is preferred over an adult going as technically they shouldn't be on pool-deck and could lead to stress if turned away. After your race report back to your coach for any feedback, and cool-down instructions. It is important to do a cool-down so your next race isn't impacted, and so you aren't sore after the event.
Head Coach Meet Expectations· Arrive 1hr 30mins before your first race · 1hr 15mins before - start activation (skipping, dryland, therabands) · 1hr before - warmup, provided by your coach · Suit up · Get a race plan from your coach · Race · Get feedback from your coach · Cooldown · Re-warmup if necessary · No Junk food at meets! (eg Hot Chips!) · Hydrate and healthy snacks during the meet
Will the Coaches be there?We will have coaches at 'Targetted' meets only. It may not always be your usual coach, mostly it will be Ed or Hayley, but depending on the meet and coach availability other coaches may be in attendance.
Can we do relays?Our coaches will look at the program and decide if the club will enter relays. If they do, the coaches will pick the teams and the club will enter and pay for the entries. If you are interested in entering relays please tick the 'available for relays' option when entering the meet. If the club is not entering relays, but you have a group of swimmers who would like to do a relay, you are free to enter a team yourself, but the club will not cover the entry fee. If you need assistance with the entries let us know and we can assist.
What is States?States is the abbreviation for the State Championships. This is a premier event where swimmers must have achieved qualifying times throughout the year in order to enter. There are 3 levels of State Championship Meets: 1) State Open Championships - Same qualifying time for all swimmers, aimed at the older swimmers. 2) State Age Championships - Qualifying times set for each age group, with events swum in age groups. 3) Junior Championships - Similar to State Age Championships, but for our Junior Swimmers.
What is Nationals?Nationals is the Pinnacle Swimming Event in the Australian Calendar. Achieving a qualifying time for Nationals places the swimmer somewhere near the top 5-10% in the country. We have Age and Open Long Course Nationals, and Open Short Course Nationals. Long Course Nationals are held in a different city each year, Short Course Nationals is traditionally in Melbourne. There is also Open Water Nationals each year. As a club we typically have a team of roughly 10 going to Nationals each year, and a couple OWS National Qualifiers.
What are "Leagues"?"Leagues are a recent introduction to Swimming, intended to model the country regions, and the zones seen in NSW. They effectively break the Perth Metropolitan clubs in to 4 Regions. The Leagues replace the Zones we use to run under. Leagues are less active than the previous Zone structure - they are very much a watch this space and see what comes from them. Zones were driven by the clubs and our Zone was pretty active. With Leagues the clubs tend to be sitting back to see what SWA will deliver.
What is Summer League?Summer League is a rookie meet designed to be a short duration (<3hrs) and aimed at novice/junior swimmers. Swimming WA will support the event with an MC, music, celebrities, dressing the venue up, etc. It is a great introduction to competitive swimming in WA.
What events should I enter in a meet?If ever in any doubt, ask your coach for guidance. They are best placed to know where your swimmer is at in their program, and the best events to enter.
What is a club meet?A club meet is a club hosted event to provide timed racing for our swimmers. They are typically at the GGS Senior pool in Summer, and DRSC pool in Winter. They are a great introduction to racing, and normally only open for GK Swimmers. They will provide official times which can be used for qualifying times if required.
Who can enter a club meet?All registered swimmers can enter a club meet and record times.
How do I enter a club meet?Meet Entries are completed through SwimCentral. Links for the entry pages will be included in the event listing on our website. If you are having issues or just need some help entering please let us know.
I entered a club meet, but now can't make it, do I need to tell anyone?"Please let the club know if you cant make it (email President / Secretary, or message on facebook) so that we can remove your swimmer from events, and ensure you are not on timekeeping. This allows us to potentially merge heats to save time on the day.
Why don't we have all events at club meets?Events at club meets are influenced by various factors: - GGS Joint Meet, focus on 50m events - Timeline, club meets have a limited time to run so we can't do all events - Events our coaches want our swimmers to swim - Require times for a future event (eg updated times for relay teams)
Can club meet times be used at other meets, and as qualifying times?"Yes - If we have enough Technical Officials. For times to be official at a club meet we require: - 3 timekeepers per lane - if running 4 lanes only we require 3 Officials including a Referee and a Starter - if running all lanes we require 4 Officials including a Referee and a Starter
What if I am chasing an event not on offer at a club meet?Let us know as soon as possible. If you require an entry time for an event then first discuss with your coach, and then let us know and we can slot an extra event in.
What are the Club Sprint Championships?At the end of each season we run our Sprint Championships. At this meet we race the sprint events for each age group, with points being awarded based on placings. Overall points are recognised at our presentation night across each age group. We also run a Handicap Relay, which includes a fancy-dress march past. This is a fun event aimed at bringing the swimmers together for a bit of fun. At the end of Sprint Champs we also run our annual egg throwing competition. Working in pairs, the winning pair is the one who can throw a raw egg the furthest, and catch it without breaking. Typical distances are 30m-60m.
What is Presentation Night?Each year we come together to recognise the efforts of our swimmers. The evening is hosted by an MC and includes dinner. Our trophy night includes trophies for: Handicap Relay Winners Best Dressed Team for March Past Egg Throwing Champs Swimmer of the Year Encouragement Awards Club Person Award Perpetual Distance Trophies Open Water Swimmer Trophies Club Points Trophies Recognising our Junior Dolphins / Tadpoles Sprint Championships Age Group Trophies Life Members All Time Record Breakers
Do we run 'Social Events'?On occassion we do, sometimes combined as a fund-raising event. Our regular evenst are typically: Club Sprint Championships - Including handicap relay, fancy-dress march past, and egg throwing competition. Presentation Night - Otherwise known as Trophy Night, or 'The Night'. Christmas Meet - typically a short swim meet with games and lunch or similar. Other events have included: Movie Premiers LaserTag Scavenger Hunts Picnics etc
Where can I purchase uniform items?Uniform items can be purchased through the website, and collected from DRSC. Due to pricing confidentiality swim equipment (goggles, flippers, etc) will require registering on the website in order to see pricing and order.
When can I collect my Uniform?The uniform positions are a volunteer position - we normally have someone at DRSC at 4pm most weekdays. We would suggest emailing to confirm you will be collecting your order and when.
Who do I collect my order from?Our uniform people are a volunteer role, but they will do their best to be available. Currently it is Clare Henry. You can email her on
Do I have to wear the uniform?It is required that you wear club uniform to external events. This helps us to identify our swimmers in and out of the pool, but most importantly enables us to identify our swimmers in the water. When entering meets as a GK Swimmer, you are representing the club. It does not matter if it is a targetted or non-targetted meet.
What is the uniform? (eg Mandatory items, Optional items)"Mandatory: Blue GK Polo Shirt Black shorts (any) GK Swimming Cap Optional: Training shirt (mandatory for GGS Gym) Club Jackets and Hoodies Club shorts
I have old uniform items that don't fit anymore, what can I do with them?"We collect second hand uniforms for sale to members at a discounted price. Money raised is donated in to the Athlete Welfare Fund to support our members who may need a helping hand.
What does LC and SC stand for?LC = Long Course (50m Pool) SC = Short Course (25m Pool) LC Meets traditionally run through Summer, and SC meets through Winter.
What is a 'Qualifying Time'?Some meets require the swimmers to achieve what is called a 'qualifying time' to allow entry to an event. The best example of this is State Championships, where you must achieve a qualifying time in order to be eligible to enter that event at a State Championship level. For example, 50m Freestyle has a qualifying time of 29.50sec. In order to enter this event you must have swum 50m Freestyle at an officially recognised event in the last 12 months in a time faster than 29.50sec.
What is a 'Targetted Meet'?At the start of the season our coaches will plan out the coaching cycles, and select meets that fit in to the coaching cycles and offer the events our coaches require for their squads. Prior to entering a meet it is worth asking your coach for advice on what to enter if not sure. We will often target meets for either quantity, or quality. A quantity meet is about race practice and entering many events. A quality meet is about producing a quality outcome, so will target the swimmers specialty events, and limited or no other events so as to not impact those key events. You are welcome to enter non-targetted meets, and may be valid reasons for doing so. Please be mindful that the results at those meets may not be peak performance depending on where they are in the training cycle, and may have negative impacts on training, especially if skipping a training session to attend a meet.
What is a Technical Official?The Technical Officials (TO's) are the people who referee, start, judge, and facilitate a swimming race. The key roles are: Referee - Person who blows the whistle and controls all other TO's. All infractions (disqualifications) go to the referee. Starter - The person who actually starts the race Judge of Stroke (JOS) - Walk along the side of the pool watching to ensure the swimmers are swimming according to the FINA rules Inspector of Turns (IOT) - Stands at the end of the pool and observes all turns and finishes to ensure they comply with the FINA rules.
How do I become a Technical Official?The Swimming WA website has the pathway to follow. First step is to complete the AIS General Principals online course. Once complete face-to-face courses run semi-regularly for the various TO Positions. Once you have completed a course, practice, practice, practice. You can do this at club meets as well as at HBF. When you are comfortable in that role you can request a practical assessment. If you pass you will be formally certified as a TO. Our club has a certified course presenter, and a certified assessor. If you would like to become a TO please email the President for more information.
How much do Technical Officials get paid?Officiating is a volunteer role, and a necessary role in order to record official times for our swimmers. At some meets the host club may pay a token amount in appreciation of the time donated. Benefits of Officiating: Best view at the pool. Giving back to the club and our sport. Friendship. Potential to Officiate at big events such as Nationals, Olympic Trials, or if your lucky enough and work hard enough the Commonwealth Games or Olympics! Get out of timekeeping :)
Does it cost to become a Technical Official?The Technical Official membership does have a cost associated with it, but as a club we value the contribution of our volunteers so will cover this cost for you. If you are looking to become a TO please let us know and we will organise the registration for you.
What is Timekeeping?For a swimmer to record an official time we require 3 timekeepers per lane to record a time. With the systems currently in use all that is required is the press of a button when a swimmer touches the wall at the end of the race. The timers will auto-start. Timekeeping is usually assigned based on the number of swimmers entered from each club. We have a timekeeping policy on the website, but will normally result in roughly 1 seat on timekeeping per 10 swimmers. Prior to a meet a timekeeping roster will be sent out, usually with 1hr sessions on timekeeping, as closely aligned to when your swimmers are in attendance as possible. Please note this isn't always possible - but we do our best.
What if I can't do my rostered timekeeping?If you are assigned timekeeping duties it is your responsibility to either cover it, or organise a replacement. Maybe swap positions with another parent, or offer to do their roster at the next meet? The club is assigned seats based on your swimmer being entered. If you scratch before an event please let the coach know so we can adjust the roster and notify the meet host.
What does Multi-Class, or MC swimming mean?"Multi-Class swimmers are swimmers with a disability. These swimmers are classified accoring to their disability so that they can all compete on a level playing field. The various classes of swimmers will swim together, hence the term Multi-Class. An MC swimmer will have a classification, and may have some exceptions. For example if a swimmer doesn't have full mobility of 1 or both legs, they may have an exception related to leg movements in Butterfly or Breaststroke. MC swimmers are awarded FINA points according to their classification. With this points system the first to finish may not be the highest points recipient, so may not be the actual winner. The points are based on comparing their finish time with the current world record for that classification of swimmer.
What does tapering mean?Tapering is when coaches will gradually reduce the level of swim training in the lead up to swim competition. The level of tapering will depend on the swimmer, the competition being targetted, and what else is in the swimmers competition calendar the coach is aiming for. Tapering can have a huge impact on results, PB's being harder to achieve when not tapered. Tapering is at the coaches discretion, normally in conjunction with the swimmer (depending on age), and the swimmers goals for the season.
What are the age groups in swimming?Juniors: Boys 8-13 Girls 8-12 *8yo can only swim 50m Free/Back/Breast Age: Boys 14-17 Girls 13-16 Open: All ages
How often should my child train?This will depend on your childs goals, ability, free time, other sports they participate in, enjoyment levels, etc. This is a conversation best had with your childs coach. It is important to not over-train and remove the enjoyment of swimming, but also if you have aspirational goals once a week may not enable your child to achieve their goals.
How do I know if my child is getting stroke correction?Swimmers coming from learn to swim will be accustomed to stroke correction being very hands-on. In squad swimming stroke correction may not be as easy to observe. If the coach has set drills (eg pull, 1-arm, kick, etc), or equipment is being used such as flippers, kick-boards, pull-boys, etc, then stroke correction is occurring. Drills and equipment are used to isolate and work specific components of a stroke - these drills are chosen based on the requirements of the swimmers in the squad. Just because your swimmer hasn't been directly spoken to DOES NOT mean stroke correction isn't occurring. This is a symptom of a Learn to Swim parent and is not reflective of squad swimming. Our coaches are highly trained and experienced in their profession, our junior coaches have come though our own swim program under the guidance of our current Head-Coach. This gives coaching consistency from our Junior coaches who were coached in our program, through to our senior coaches in our intermediate and higher levels.
What is an Official Time?An official time is a time that can be used as an entry time or a qualifying time at another meet. There are requirements that need to be met in order to recognise times from a meet as official. Timing Equipment: Fully Automatic or Semi-Automatic timing must be used. 3 timekeepers per lane must be in place Technical Officials: If only running 4 outside lanes 3 Technical Officials must be present, if more than 4 lanes then 4 Technical Officials are required. These must be made up of 1 Referee, 1 Starter, and 1 or 2 Judge of Strokes.
How do I know when my swimmer is ready for Squad Swimming?The requirement for our Junior Squad is "Must be able to swim a minimum distance of 50 metres in freestyle, breaststroke and backstroke correctly and efficiently." This is typically when you graduate Stage 8 from DR Swim (or the Squad Transition Program), and roughly lines up with Department of Education Stage 8. Some other Learn to Swim programs have different stages, and may focus more on water safety than swimming strokes over a distance. The key measure regardless of Stage Number is able to swim the 50m of each stroke. If you aren't sure you can come down for a free assessment and our coach can give you some guidance. Alternatively a number of our DR Swim Teachers are also coaches and can offer some guidance.
SW7 Breaststroke - Head did not break the surface of the water before hands turned inward at the widest part of second stroke after the start or Xm turnIn breastsroke you are allowed 1 full arm pull, 1 breaststroke kick, and half a second arm pull. Head must break the surface of the water before the arms start coming inward on second arm stroke.
SW7 Breaststroke - Stroke cycle not 1 arm stroke to 1 leg kick in that orderFirst part of a breaststroke race is the initial arm pull, followed by a leg kick, and then arms, legs, arms, etc. It is not permissable to do 2 arm pulls without a leg kick, or 2 leg kicks without an arm pull.
SW7 Breaststroke - Head did not break surface of the water during each stroke cycle (except first stroke cycle after the start and each turn)The head must break the surface of the water each stroke cycle. The exception is the split stroke at the start of the race and after each turn, where the head must surface half way through the second arm stroke.
SW7 Breaststroke - Hands not pushed forward together from the breast during the race.Hands must be pushed forward together from the chest/breast. They must be simultaneous, and not over the water (as defined by elbow must remain under the water)
SW7 Breaststroke - Elbows not under the water during the race (except the last stroke before the turn, during the turn or the final stroke at the finish)"If elbows are coming out of the water, you are effectively doing something closer to butterfly arms. Arms must be pushed forward together from the breast, and not over the water. Hands may come out of the water, but elbows to remain below the surface level of the water.
SW7 Breaststroke - Hands brought back beyond the hip line during the race (except during the 1st stroke after the start or turn)Hands must come back to the chest/breast. If they are pushed back to the hipline this is an infraction. The first stroke after the start or turn (split stroke) is the only exception to this.
SW7 Breaststroke - Arm movements not in the same horizontal planeArms must be on the same plane, or level, in the water. 1 arm up high and 1 pulling down low is not permitted.
SW7 Breaststroke - Arm movements not simultaneousArms must move together simultaneously. 1 arm can not push out before the other, or pull back to the chest before the other.
SW7 Breaststroke - Leg movements not simultaneousLegs must move together simultaneously. This is most often observed as 1 leg kicking out before the other, or recovering before the other.
SW7 Breaststroke - Leg movements not on the same horizontal planeLegs must be at the same level in the water. This is most often observed as 1 knee as higher than the other due to being turned out further than the other leg. It can also be not sitting flat in the water and 1 foot kicking lower than the other.
SW7 Breaststroke - Feet not turned out during the propulsive part of the kickWhen the legs kick the feet should be turned out. If you imaging they are swimming next to a wall the foot will be turned as if to be kicking the wall.
SW7 Breaststroke - Executed an alternating kick during the raceAn alternating kick is a freestyle kick. It will most often be observed after the start while still submerged, or a flutter at the end of the breastsrtroke kick.
SW7 Breaststroke - Executed a downward butterfly kick during the raceMost often observed as a downward kick at the end of the breaststroke kick. Only a proplulsive kick is an infraction, a downward movement of the feet due to the undulation of the body is not considered a propulsive kick, and hence not an infraction.
SW7 Breaststroke - Executed more than one butterfly kick after the start or Xm turnDuring the split stroke after the start or turn, a single butterfly kick is permissable at any time prior to the first leg kick
SW7 Breaststroke - Did not touch with both hands separated/simultaneouslyMust touch each wall with both hands simultaneously, and separated. Incidental overlapping of hands is permitted.
SW7 Breaststroke - Body not on the breast (other than the execution of the turn)Swimmers can rotate up to, but not exceeding, 90' (as in on their side). They cannot roll over on to their back.
SW7 Breaststroke - Body not on the breast upon leaving the wall after the Xm turnCan not tumble and come off the wall on your back, or for any other reason be on their back. The tumble is permitted if they can touch with both hands simultaneously, and come off the wall on their breast.
SW5 Freestyle - Head did not break the surface of the water at or before the 15m mark after the start or Xm turnFreestyle is swum on the surface of the water, after the start or turn the swimmer must surface at or before the 15m flags. This is measured by the head breaking the surface, not feet or hands.
SW5 Freestyle - Did not touch the wall with any part of the bodyIn a freestyle race each wall must be touched with any part of the body, typically hand at the finish, and feet at the turn if doing a tumble-turn. If no contact is made at the turn the swimmer is disqualified.
SW5 Freestyle - Completely submerged during the race (except the first 15m after the start or turn)Freestyle is swum on the surface of the water, swimmers are not allowed to be submerged during the race except after the start or turn.
SW6 Backstroke - Head did not break the surface of the water at or before 15m mark after the start or turnBackstroke is swum on the surface of the water, after the start or turn the swimmer must surface at or before the 15m flags. This is measured by the head breaking the surface, not feet or hands.
SW6 Backstroke - Left position on the back except when executing a turnSwimmers must remain on their back at all times, except when executing a turn
SW6 Backstroke - Turn not initiated immediately after leaving position on the backImmediately after leaving the back at the backstroke turn the swimmer must immediately execute their turn - they cannot just kick in to the wall if they turn too soon. Initiating the turn includes commencing one single arm, or double arm pull.
SW6 Backstroke - Turn not executed at completion of the arm puul after leaving position on the back at the turnAt completion of either the single, or double arm pull after leaving position on the back, the turn must be executed. It is not permissable to kick in to the wall if you turn too early.
SW6 Backstroke - Executed more than one continuous single or double arm pull to initiate the turnOnly a single arm pull is permissable after leaving position on the back.
SW6 Backstroke - Did not touch the wall with any part of the body during the turnThe swimmer must touch the wall at every turn.
SW6 Backstroke - Not on the back upon leaving the wall after the turnThe swimmer must be on their back after the turn when leaving the wall. They cannot push off the wall on their front and then rotate on their back - they must be on their back when leaving the wall.
SW6 Backstroke - Completely submerged (except first 15m after start or turn)Backstroke must be swum on the surface - it is not permissable to be under the water. This is most often seen at or just prior to the finish where a swimmer will lunge to the wall and may submerge. This is where you will see a swimmer raise a foot or hand to ensure part of their body remains above the water.
SW6 Backstroke - Not on the back at the finishSwimmers must finish the race on their back. This is most often reported at the end of the backstroke section of a medley.
SW6 Backstroke - Completely submerged at the finishSwimmers are not to be submerged except in the first 15m after the start or turn. This includes the lunge to the wall at the finish which is what this refers to.
SW8 Butterfly - Head did not break the surface of the water at or before 15m mark after the start or turnButterfly is swum on the surface of the water, after the start or turn the swimmer must surface at or before the 15m flags. This is measured by the head breaking the surface, not feet or hands.
SW8 Butterfly - More than 1 arm pull whilst fully submerged after the start or turnSwimmers can not swim with multiple arm pulls while under water
SW8 Butterfly - Not on the breast (except when executing the turn)Butterfly must be swum on the breast, swimmers can not rotate on to the back.
SW8 Butterfly - Not on the breast upon leaving the wall after the turnSwimmers must be on the front when leaving the wall after the turn.
SW8 Butterfly - Arms not brought forward simultaneously over the waterArm recovery in butterfly must be over the water and simultaneously. Over the water is like a boat goes over the water - their does not need to be a clearance between the arm and the surface of the water, but water can not be rushing over the arm. They must also move forward simultaneously - this is most often observed in younger swimmers with 1 arm leading the other. This can also be called at the finish if timing is out and a backward pull is commenced, then arms pushed forward under the water to hit the wall. Once a backward pull is commenced the recovery must be over the water.
SW8 Butterfly - Arms not brought backward simultaneously under the waterArms are pulled backwards simultaneously under the water
SW8 Butterfly - Did not touch the wall with both hands seperated/simultaneouslyBoth hands must touch the wall at the same time and not be overlapping or stacked. Incidental overlapping is allowed, but not a full stack of 1 hand on top of the other.
SW8 Butterfly - Used a breastsroke kicking motionA breaststroke kick is not permitted - however for our Masters swimmers it is allowed at Masters events.
SW8 Butterfly - Alternating movement of legs or feetA freestyle flutter kick is not permitted. This is most often observed at the start during the streamline. Feet do not have to be together, but cannot alternate. So you may observe 1 foot lifting before the other or being higher - this is Ok as long as it is the same foot on each kick. Left first followed by right first indicates an alternating kick.
SW8 Butterfly - Completely submerged (except first 15m after start or turn)Swimmers mut not be submerged during butterfly except after the start or turn. This is most often called as a result of a deep lunge at the finish.
SW9 Medley - Incorrect stroke orderFor the individual event stroke order must be Fly - Back - Brst - Free For relays event stroke order must be Back - Brst - Fly - Free
SW9 Medley - At the start of the freestyle section swimmer was not on the breast before the first kick/strokeIf a swimmer is on their back they are swimming backstroke. No more than 1/4 of a medley can be swum in backstroke so if a swimmer leaves the wall at the start of the freestyle section on their back it is an infraction. They have until the first kick or stroke to be on their breast to be Ok.
SW9 Medley - Start/finish of each section not in accordance with the rules for the particular stroke.A medley is effectively 4 races with each section being swum with a start and finish. This is most often called at the end of the backstroke section where a swimmer will leave their back for the turn, instead of finishing that section on their back as per the rules for a backstroke race.
Misc - Started before the starting signalMost commonly miss-understood rule. Starting before the starting signal is ANY movement at the start of the race - as in the sounding of the buzzer/beep. This movement can be a shoulder twitch, back foot moving, slow rock backwards, literally any movement at all. Swimmers must be perfectly still for the start.
Misc - Stood on the bottom of the pool (except freestyle)Swimmers must not touch the bottom of the pool - exception being freestyle.
Misc - Took a stride or step from the bottom of the pool.In Freestyle, a swimmer is permitted to stop and stand up if they wish. When they go to swim again they cannot take a stride/step/jump/push off the floor of the pool. They must float up and start swimming again.
Misc - Pulled along the lane ropeIncidental contact is allowed, but swimmers are not allowed to grab the ropes and pull themselves along.
Misc - Did not remain in the same lane they started inRarely seen, but a wayward push off a wall at a turn may send the swimmer in to the next lane. Even if they return without interfeering with any other swimmer this is not allowed.
How do I join the club?GK operates 3 'clubs'. Learn to Swim - DR Swim Learn to Swim runs an 8-10 week term, with enrollments taken on-line. DR Swim swimmers are not club members automatically, but have the option of also joining the club. GK Swim This is where the bulk of our members are. Before joining the club you can use 1 free trial to have an assessment, and a trial in squad swimming before signing up. Our website contains all the information you need to join under GK Shop - Membership. Membership to GK Swim is affiliated with Swimming WA. GK Masters Some of our parents and former club swimmers have returned to the water in our Masters program. Our Masters coaches write sets to cater for all skill levels, from just returning to the water, to Rotto Swimmers. Membership to GK Masters is affiliated with Masters WA. You also have the option of joining as a Social SWA member and also swim with our Masters squad.
How do I find out what is happening in the club?Our two main methods of communication are emails through MailChimp and also Facebook. When you register with the Club you will automatically be added to our MailChimp list. You can un-subscribe at anytime, or you can subscribe extra email addresses from our website and also our Facebook page. Facebook is used as a more convenient way to convey club information. Although as a Club we are very transparent with our information and most emails are also posted on Facebook - the occassional email may be sent only to members and not posted on Facebook.
Who do I contact about joining the club?Our Club Registrar is your first point of contact : You can also start with a Free Trial -
Who manages the club coaches?Our coaches are employed by the Club, report to the Committee, but are managed by the Head Coach. Any coaching questions or concerns should be directed to the Head Coach in the first instance, and the Club President, if required.
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